Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Perspective in Technology

COMPARING the current technological level with that existing during the primitive times will make us realize how crude the latter was. We can also be encouraged to reflect and celebrate mankind's ingenuity brought about by their facility of their thinking caps. The growing complexity of an already complex technology attests to man's interminable journey in proving that impossible things could be made possible, an unquenched thirst to surpass the limits set by the past centuries.
Nobody can argue with the fact that the needs of societies are continuously increasing and metamorphosing. Therefore, it is not surprising to know that thousands, if not millions, of inventions and discoveries are being patented each year. Necessity is the mother of all inventions, so to speak. The long compendium of human feat is a statement of man's life characterized by sophistication which he himself has made.
Indeed, man had gone a long way. He was able to traverse the road of impossibility. Virtual reality, bartending robot, and DNA-analyzing machine are only some of the things that the mind has conceived and are now achieved. Many have been designed for human comfort. And so, it is just spontaneous for an individual to react positively towards technology because he has already a preconceived notion that it guarantees an easier life for each of us.
If we are to immerse ourselves in the analysis of the real impact of technology, we can deduce that sometimes, inventions lack anchorage on ethics. Nuclear weapons can kill a multitude of people and can even erase a place on the map. The YouTube can showcase to the viewing public the most private and intimate moment of an individual. The internet, particularly the wide array of search engines, facilitates an easy routing to rich reservoirs of porn materials.
Undebatably, technology should be viewed from different angles. It could be God's angel or a devil's trident. It solely depends on how we use it.

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